Wednesday, August 27, 2008
oh noes
now playing:
Yesterday, while editing the video for Robotics, I noticed something. Scary.
My voice sounded a lot his.
OK I think I'm not doing myself enough justice by not blogging much more.
Either way, didn't sleep at all last night, getting the entire Robotics video and the presentation today in place. Disappointingly enough, the judges didn't understand the video, and somehow they were actually expecting footage of the robot in the video when it was not even mentioned in the Challenge Manual... Hmm...
Ah well...
Surprise mission comes out this weekend. Very surprising indeed.
killed a couple more people at
6:45 pm
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
the director and the script writer must see what's going on.
now playing:
- Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
I've been writing scripts for the past 2 days. Maybe my video training from Clementi Town finally came in useful.
killed a couple more people at
9:01 pm
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
now playing:
I'm trying something, its called thinking therapy, in response to my horrible headache. Oh, and I'm trying to help my lazy eye, so I'm covering my left eye with my hood right now as I type this entry.
So, I'll try to do something that is brain cells consuming so that my headache cannot take over them and wreck havoc in my skull. Or cranium. Ah. See I'm putting this therapy to good use.
killed a couple more people at
9:23 pm
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its bad. real bad.
now playing:
I'm having the grandmother of all headaches now (I've seen someone saying "Mother of all Headaches", so I decided to be a ripoff and put "Grandmother" instead.) Its that terrible. I've had two panadols and I don't want to take anymore. Yet, I'm trying not to sleep either. The only other time I had such a headache was when I was in London, and I got pretty severe carbon dioxide inhalation (the fireplace was kind of choked). The next day was, so to say, hell.
And my roommate just got pissed when I asked him politely whether he needed his candle to be on for any particular reason.
killed a couple more people at
9:18 pm
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
now playing:
I just realised that Archuleta didn't have any double letters... I thought there would be some... Hmm...
Anyways, happiness shines on me =D I just got back the Robotic T-Shirts, and I'm smiling from ear to ear =D
They look so pretty =D
You know a really good way to ruin your day is to have an irritating sister.
killed a couple more people at
9:12 pm
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Friday, August 22, 2008
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Something's not right. My stomach's full of butterflies and I can't figure out why. Maybe cause NJRC is just round the corner.
killed a couple more people at
10:01 am
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im trying to be organised? trying? haha...
now playing:
- A Little Bit Longer - Jonas Brothers
You know sometimes, when others are invited to something, rather than asking straight away "What gives you the right to be invited to xxxxxx.", Shouldn't a much better and polite phrasing be "Oh... I see... How come?" or something like that. I hate it when people think they know everything about something and then blast the other party just because they think they're so almighty.
I'm just gonna blog my little thoughts here. Cause I think its gonna be the only drive I have to study this horribly dry (don't get me wrong, the subject is fine, the content isn't!) notes...
I notice, when I sing along as I study, although I do get
lesser stuff less concentration, I can actually stay up longer. Not very useful though, but a very good technique nonetheless at night.
Oh, I will never blog like that if I can help it. This is all blog plugs, and I'm only doing this cause there is something wrong with my computer's internet, and I'm not going to restart it wasting me precious time...
I'm trying not to sleep before 1a.m. if I can help it. Although I know I can never get anything in, I do know that I have to try to get in as much as possible, or try to, to give myself some
false sense of security some confidence.
I smell rotten eggs.
I feel like listening to "What Goes Around... Comes Around..." although I'm not reading up on some cyclic compound now...
Have a splitting headache. Exactly the same one I got while studying Biology back then as well as Organic Chemistry. The toll of content heavy subjects!
I think I shall have time stamps. This will make it more interesting. I'll do a plot of it later =D
I only got 4 minutes to mug finish! Not really, but somehow that's the feeling I get sometimes when I listen to this song. Helps with memory though... Fast beat...
I really think I should train my stomach muscles a bit more. I'm
quite sure there's something there beneath those fats =D
Fat hope.
I better bring my cardigan tomorrow. Its the dry lab again. Although for hell I can't figure out why its so cold during Robotics even when I set the 27 degrees Celcius ruling with only 4 air conditioners on...
Listening to the lyrics of "Where is the Love", I wonder really... Is it all around us?
Often I ask myself this question, and more often than not, its answered, and I smile.
My piss has a distinct smell of coffee. Somehow, 3 cups of coffee does do wonders.
This is probably gonna be one of my longest, most pointless blog posts every =D If you have even read until this point you have proven me wrong D=
I realised I have been sleeping *relatively* late, where time = [11:30p.m., infinity), and thus, I push off showering till the morning. Unhygienic, you may say? I often feel much cleaner without showering when I sleep oddly enough. Feel. Funny... This does not correspond to OCD... Oh Yay! =D
Close off from love I didn't need the pain. I love this song's lyrics, although I very much admire both Jesse McCartney's vocal skills as well As Miss Lewis'. I, however, am only able to sing in Jesse's range.
Great, I just noticed that I music-video too much, i.e. I act as I sing. So you'll often see me... Nevermind...
I just realised, its probably the piss smell of the coffee that is keeping me awake. Haha... Wanna try?
I can't study chemistry with a lot of information. I understand mole concept, and the way it works. Anything else that doesn't come with numbers, I'm dumb-stupid.
I just did an over-exxagerated move and accidentally unplugged my earphones. Oops.
I have noticed something for a while, and I wonder if The Script actually did this on purpose...
If you notice the words "If You See Kay", you'll see that "You" is pronounced as "U", "See" as "C", "Kay" as "K'. I wonder why "If" isn't pronounced as ...
Whoo! I'm finally on the last set of downloaded stuff, which means I'm almost done!
If you discount the large amount of memory needed for that last set.
I just got a shock. Put my iTunes on Party Shuffle, and my alarm song started playing. And then I added another highness to my present coffee high.
I just had diarrhoea. Coffee smelling diarrhoea.
I think, at this rate, I'm gonna have to pop by the toilet tomorrow morning again when I wake up, following my wake up late plan (refer to plan below). And Spanish songs are hot.
Real hot.
I'm gonna learn Spanish one day.
Change of plans. I'm going to sleep now, cause I know productivity is going to go down even though I do have coffee smelling waste.
Wake up at 6a.m. Turn on computer. While turning on, defecate.
Revise the flame test as well as the tests for Qualitative Analysis.
Post this entire file on my blog
Shower at 6:30a.m. until 6:45a.m. or 7a.m., depending on the time I shower.
Go to school, and DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get something to eat. Especially rice.
I'm going to think twice in future before I drink 3 cups of coffee.
killed a couple more people at
6:47 am
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
time to start being organised!
now playing:
I'm supposed to be mugging inorganic chemistry at the moment, but somehow nothing seems to be getting into my head.. Its the whole bio-brain needed thing all over D=
Anyways, I decided to follow a plan for every morning from now onwards:
6:30a.m. : Wake Up and shower | If I decide I'm still tired, push everything by about 15 minutes
6:45a.m. : Wash up and then TRY to do 50 sit ups? (This is a plan I'm putting in place, starting today. Hopefully there will be results eh?)
7:00a.m. :
Dance That actually depends on my roommate... Haha... Just kidding. I'll probably slack around till its time to go to school.
Its a simple enough plan... And in this first week of testing, all's been well... So hopefully this goes well...
killed a couple more people at
8:39 pm
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
i'm falling to piecessssssss
now playing:
- Talk You Down - The Script
Oh have I ever mentioned what a wonderful band "The Script" is?
Anyways, I just woke up (about half an hour ago), and somehow, although it was only a 90 minutes nap, it felt like I just slept the whole night, which I think is resulting in this tingly sense in my stomach... Cause there's a statistics test in about another 30 minutes. So, I drank a cup of mocha (2nd one today actually), and washed up a bit. Somehow the feeling is still there, like a foreboding sense that something bad might happen today... Hopefully the statistics test is easy...
killed a couple more people at
10:28 am
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
mild ocd?
now playing:
I was just reading up on OCD, when I just realised.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of OCD can range from mild to severe. In most cases, people know their obsessions do not represent true dangers and realize their compulsive behavior is strange or bizarre. However, deep down they are afraid that their fears might be real, and that something bad might happen if they don't act on them. People with mild OCD may check repeatedly whether they've locked the door or turned off the light. Their symptoms do not interfere with everyday life, however, and they may even successfully hide them from others. In severe cases, people with OCD may spend hours on compulsive behaviors. Their symptoms prevent them from living their lives fully and from having normal relationships with others. The most common obsessions and compulsions of people with OCD include checking repeatedly, which usually results from a fear of harm to self or others; cleaning, due to a fear of germs; hoarding items that are repeatedly counted or arranged; repeating a name or phrase or touching something a certain number of times to reduce anxiety; and performing a series of steps in a certain order or doing them over and over until perfect, again to reduce anxiety or protect the person from some unfounded fear. People may have obsessions without compulsions, and vice versa. People with OCD may also be preoccupied with religious feelings, sexual thoughts, and the need for order and symmetry. People with OCD may also have symptoms of depression, Tourette Syndrome, or bipolar disorder. Symptoms usually get worse when the person is under stress.
Woah that was quite a bit.
Umm... Well as said above, most people won't know if you have mild OCD, but I think I have mild OCD... I had a very "bad" habit of turning whatever I turned a certain direction the other way round, or at least let my hand make the movement or something... Its exactly as described as above D= Kinda cool, but its a mental condition! Noooo... Hmm...
killed a couple more people at
12:53 am
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Monday, August 18, 2008
now playing:
- If You See Kay - The Script
Just had a Chinese test, quite obviously, I'm dead =D
Anyways, have to make a trip down to Queensway Shopping Center to place an order for the shirts... I wonder if I'll actually get all the money tomorrow even though I have reminded them repeatedly, or tried to. Ah!
killed a couple more people at
9:10 pm
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
what do you qualify as a rant?
now playing:
- The End Is Where I Begin - The Script
I particularly love this part of the song:
Tried to break my heart
Well its broke
Tried to hang me high
Well I'm choked
Wanted rain on me
Well I'm soaked
Soaked to the skin
Somehow, I don't know why I overrate my emotions or something, or overrate what I feel at least.
I mean when I do something wrong, I just feel that I've screwed up a lot, and the criticism from around normally doesn't really help. I'm not meaning to say you guys aren't helpful or something, but sometimes even when I do do something like that rather than just mocking me, I would really appreciate you guys for helping me too, rather than just watching me make a fool in front of everyone else, and myself.
Oh and congratulations to Singapore upon attaining Silver at the Table Tennis finals.
killed a couple more people at
11:05 pm
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trying to break my heart, well its broke.
now playing:
- The End Where I Begin - The Script

Sometimes tears say all there is to say
Sometime your first scars wont ever fade, away
Tried to break my heart
Well it's broke
Tried to hang me high
Well I'm choked
Wanted rain on me
Well I'm soaked
Soaked to the skin
It's the end where I begin
It's the end where I begin
Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes
Sometimes we've no choice but to walk away, away
Tried to break my heart
Well it's broke
Tried to hang me high
Well I'm choked
Wanted rain on me
Well I'm soaked
Soaked to the skin
It's the end where I begin
It's the end where I begin
Now I'm alive
and my ghosts are gone
I've shed all the pain
I've been holding on
The cure for a heart
Is to move along, is to move along
So move along
X 3
What don't kill a heart
Only makes it strong
Sometimes tears say all there is to say
Sometime your first scars dont ever fade, away
Tried to break my heart
Well it's broke
Tried to hang me high
Well I'm choked
Wanted rain on me
Well I'm soaked
Soaked to the skin
It's the end
End where I begin
It's the end
End where I begin
Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes
Sometimes we've no choice but to walk away, away
killed a couple more people at
12:46 am
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
dream analysis?
now playing:
I just woke up. Not really just, but yeah you get the idea... Anyways I've just noticed that these 2 days I've been up 30 minutes earlier than usual and that I have more time for myself, to think in the shower. What's going to happen, what have I done, what was last night's dream about.
It was a very "odd" dream. Well for one, I think it must have been heavily influenced by lunch, cause there was an extremely tall chocolate cake, and another cake shaped in a *************. (Number of *s is not conclusive. Don't jump to conclusions.) So, the people involved were... A, C, J, C, M, Z and some others. Either way, not a very pleasant dream, yet not a nightmare... Nightmares scares you. This kinda wakes you up, although I woke up right after a scene due to my alarm.
I wonder what the dream was trying to tell me...
killed a couple more people at
6:46 am
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Just Singaporeans?
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
On Monday, went with family to eat at Sakura International Buffet. So I was telling my Mom and Sis.
"Singaporeans lacks quite a bit of initiative. There was this tray there, with no cups on it, yet the tray below it had about half of the full capacity of cups. Can't someone just remove the top tray and put it aside?"
My sister then looks at me and said, "I'm one of those who took from the bottom tray without removing it..."
Just hopeless.
Note: This is not a post which is racist or national-ist. I swear, I'm not Singaporean Bashing or something, but its just a trend I notice
killed a couple more people at
8:00 pm
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nt here...
now playing:
Mr. Foo wants to see me at 10:00p.m. later. I have no idea why. Its probably some stupid thing blown up again. Oh did I say stupid? I meant to say silly! Its not degrading! I'm not harming him! Oh wow... I'm applying what I learn in English here.
Anyways, its half a day of school today. Due to the "excellent results which the NUS High School Students have achieved their AP and SATs". Yep. Its so excellent, any worse, there would have been one more "2" for their Chemistry. Oh, and the hostel has canceled Study Time tonight due to the very same reason. Yet here I am, sitting in my room, with nothing to do.
Honestly, I think I'm the only blogger to keep revising my posts before posting them... Although I think that a blog post should be what's the first thing that comes to mind, and nothing else.
I was actually thinking of blogging about someone again, but then again I thought what's the point. He picked what he wanted to make out of our friendship, we ought to just follow it, and pretend that we have never met. He sure as hell better not be coming back to me crying and saying things like "Oh I know you hate me" and "I'm XXXXX XX XX X X X X X X X X."
Sorry for censoring, but its pretty private. Maybe I should just write a whole song
insulting just saying whatever I want to say about him... Should make it easier... It's not appearing anytime here though...
killed a couple more people at
4:51 pm
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Monday, August 11, 2008
what's the point of this post?
now playing:
Was doing (walking this time, leg still hasn't completely healed) rounds again today, when someone gave me a suggestion of what I should do, given the present "working" conditions I have been... Umm... Working in these days. There used to be a time where I gave my *job* my all, everything I had I would put into it, or as much as possible. Sometimes though, its just the way things are, and either I can't be bothered to change it, or I don't think I should get things to, not meaning that I like the way things are. Somehow, my goals are not the same as what someone thinks should be the ideal goals, but I seem to be given work not based on what I aim to be, but what others aim to be. Somehow, I didn't really give the suggestion mentioned just now a wave and push it aside, and considered it seriously this time. Uhh... I'm not gonna say what exactly I'm unhappy about or what the suggestion is, cause I know of who reads this blog, and I don't exactly want to put in ideas into people's head of what's going on, but I'm just gonna say this. Don't throw everything aside just because of this blog post. Things are gonna be fine.
I just realised, I always put my blog title after my last sentence, so maybe... My title is the last statement of every blog entry eh?
killed a couple more people at
11:11 pm
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Saturday, August 09, 2008
before it ends~
now playing:
I was about to do one of those
stupid silly shopping trips photo blog posts, when I thought and remembered that this blog was not pink. Or light blue or something along those lines. Either way, all I know is I now have 9 shoes at hostel (Kim you're gonna die =DD) Oh and I got a nice blazer =D. Not the formal kinds, but nonetheless, still very nice.
I'm still waiting for the album!!! Ahhh!!!
killed a couple more people at
9:57 pm
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Friday, August 08, 2008
now playing:
OMG. Its the 8/8/08. OK I should do something meaningful today. Haha... Anyways, I just watched the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony, got bored after I think some obscure country's name (no offense to any country!) Quite interesting though I think, having Beijing host the Olympics this year, not to mention that tomorrow we'll have another parade.
killed a couple more people at
10:48 pm
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now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
I just came back from sending the Ecology students off on their bus to Tioman. (Fine, I didn't
just come back, once you factor in the time to turn on the computer and what not, but I'm sure you get the main gist.)
Haha... If I didn't send them off, I bet Jack and Ben would still be sleeping here... Haha... And honestly, most of them looked more tired than I was awake...
killed a couple more people at
6:30 am
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Thursday, August 07, 2008
somehow i'm using the R word a lot these days.
now playing:
- Before The Worst - The Script
I don't like to ruin the impression of others for others, most of the time. Especially its someone the other party respects. Somehow, i just don't think it right to do that, I just don't feel good doing it, no matter how much I have lost my respect for that person.
killed a couple more people at
8:39 pm
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split. my. brain. my job.
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
After having 2 panadols, my headache's not feeling any better.
I wonder if this could be the aftermath of something else I would rather not mention here.
killed a couple more people at
7:42 pm
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008
This is it.
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Dear Kenneth,
You know why you hate Chinese songs? Its not that you hate them, just the memories they bring you. You don't want to relive the past. It's all behind you now. Look at it all in a new light. They're not all that bad.
killed a couple more people at
8:02 pm
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
this one may be a real reflection
now playing:
- Crying Out Loud - Written by Kenneth Cheah
I've put up so long with all of this
I've put all of this behind
I never wanted to be this left alone
And I never wanted to be fine
Because you said that one line
And you left me broken inside
But you never knew it
No you never knew it
Cause now I'm crying out loud
And now I'm letting it out
I'm not gonna keep it all inside me
Gotta see a bit of sunshine
And I'm never gonna let you get to me
Because... I'm crying out loud...
You just treated me like another guy
Not one you ever wanted to
Share your life and stories
But no, you threw me aside
Because you said that one line
And you left me broken inside
But you never knew it
No you never knew it
Cause now I'm crying out loud
And now I'm letting it out
I'm not gonna keep it all inside me
Gotta see a bit of sunshine
And I'm never gonna let you get to me
Because... I'm crying out loud...
I'm not gonna be affected by this anymore
I'm not gonna be afraid
Oh no...
And once I've found
The true courage inside me
I'll never... Never...
Cause now I'm crying out loud
And now I'm letting it out
I'm not gonna keep it all inside me
Gotta see a bit of sunshine
You can keep your lies to yourself
I'm not gonna be "jealous" of you
And I'm never gonna let you get to me
Because... I'm crying out loud...
killed a couple more people at
11:35 pm
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cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Somehow, I talk to people with a happy tone, but deep inside, I'm hurt, I'm crying, but I have to put a smile on that face of mine. Maybe I don't wanna make the rest like me, maybe I just don't want to show the rest my other side. This blog may be the only place that you hear me emo-talk as I try to put a smile on my e-face, not really wanting the world to cry with me.
Somehow, I'm not using my emo blog anymore (don't bother trying to find it). I'm using this blog itself as an outlet, because somehow, I find it easier to know that someone will read it, not that I want people to know, but the fact that I'm not keeping it to myself. I think.
Its like, the fact that my song lyrics actually...
Never reflect how I'm feeling. So to people who always read into them, no point. Look at the real posts. They tell the real story.
Somehow these days, I have finally found the passion to blog again, but somehow, unlike the last time when I had this drive, I'm writing more of my thoughts, rather than what I have done, making this more of the ideal blog I have always wanted, rather than some "Oh today I had a drive around orchard" kinda blog. (No offence to those kinds of blogs, its still a great read.)
I'm sorry I bore all of you out. I just had to type something.
Cause one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll never see me waiting for you on the corner of the street. Never.
killed a couple more people at
11:23 pm
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this is the end of it. Nothing else will come out from this. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
I don't get some people. I really don't. Remember the
letter I wrote some time back? Some others started asked me questions if I'm alright and all. Somehow, I felt okay to get it off my chest, but I thought then maybe that's what has really signified the end of it, we didn't care for each other anymore.
And then even more
recently, just the night right before my 2.4km run, he talked to me on MSN. He was troubled, and then started saying things like "I know you hate me.", which I shall explicitly say here, which I did to him, that I did not hate him, although I did not think we could go back to before. Then he went on pouring all his woes to me and what not again. I try to give him advice, before he starts his whole thing again, and blocks me (I'm pretty sure he did.) Somehow, the irony of which is I'm listening to "The Man Who Can't Be Moved". Yea sure, I can't be moved because I won't be waiting for you, and neither will I be moved by whatever you do, you unable-to-appreciate-the-care-from-others guy. No wonder no one else cares about you. (I know I'm being really mean by saying this but I also hate myself for saying this.)
Maybe I hate you, maybe I don't, But I definitely hate the way you are. I'm not gonna wait for you. Because, waiting for you, is like waiting for rain to fall in this drought of my mind. Useless, disappointing, and hopeless. (I can't believe I'm actually injecting humour at this point in time) (Or trying to.)
I have honestly shed too many tears for you, too much time, and too much effort in trying to talk to you hoping that something would come out of it. You have often put our friendship on the line, and that's something you claim I do all the time.
Claim I can't do this anymore. I'm gonna hate myself for doing this, but I'm going to remove you entirely from my MSN contact list. Don't blame me for it, I hate doing this as much as you would hate me for doing it. I'm really sorry. Or maybe I'm not.
killed a couple more people at
11:00 pm
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Sunday, August 03, 2008
now playing:
I just went back to a house in which I haven't stepped back for 3 years. The scent of nostalgia wafted up my nose and I was back there again, in the midst of all the mess, and yet the familiar tiles, the familiar furniture and what not.
Ah well. And I got to sleep back in my old room last night!!!
Ok, anyways, new blog skin. And don't bother to point out the irony of which that the line "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" is actually moving.
killed a couple more people at
11:20 pm
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am i the man who can't be moved?
now playing:
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
Some people try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken-hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you
'Cause if one day you wake up and find you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
A policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go
'Cause if one day you wake up and find you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
'Cause if one day you wake up and find you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
'Cause if one day you wake up and find you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
killed a couple more people at
1:18 pm
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Saturday, August 02, 2008
now playing:
- Stop & Stare - OneRepublic
Woots! Today just finished the Interact Bonding Day. Really really good, and could have had screwed up many times but somehow everything just flowed really well!
We did it ExCo 2008/09!
Oh apart from the Jokers hitching a ride.
killed a couple more people at
11:24 pm
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Friday, August 01, 2008
now playing:
- Dreaming Out Loud - OneRepublic
Had our beach run / cross country this morning, and I am glad to report that I did reasonably well (for my standards OK?) given the little training =D.
killed a couple more people at
9:40 pm
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