Here's a new skin, just in time for the coming season. Yes yes, I know Sylar does not need to cut open heads any longer, but come on! It was fun while it lasted =D
Secondly, someone mentioned to me I tend to get a bit too overprotective at times, and although he/she never said anything else, I guess it could get to the point of irritation... I guess I do have many flaws, as much as of probably more than the next guy himself... So uh... Well I can't exactly say I'll do my best to change or something, knowing its hard sometimes to change oneself, but I will try...
Sick, as in "Oh, I'm having a throat infection and have to lie in bed..." kinda sick and not some mentally retarded kinda sick.
As I mentioned, I got a nice new DSLR (Yay! Hehs =D) camera recently in Malaysia. So here are some of the test shots which I think I can put up here after passing a certain standard without suffering mockery or something hehs. Click for bigger image.
Hehs. My sister's new nano.
And her Crumpler.
Her nano again.
A pitcher plant at my grandma's place.
Taken from my seating position of my dad driving.
Some random car in KL.
A nice shot taken from inside the car outside my place.
Some random flower in the garden.
Another test shot in the car.
At the clubhouse.
And the pool there.
Hehs. My sister claimed she took this shot.
A nice scenery from somewhere near my place.
Same place, different view.
A river near my place.
Well, that's all the shots for now. I'll try to post more photos in future hehs.
This is interesting, the minute the commercial break starts, my download speed drops. Hehs...
Oh, and I recently got a new DSLR =D (Yayness). The Sony A200. Although its not all that good, its a start I guess... I'll upload some of the photos I've taken with it when I do have the time or something... Until then...
Went to church this morning again, and happened to meet Jackie (Male) from Robotics there. Didn't know he goes there... So if my memory serves well, so far 5 people from my school goes to Trinity, of which only one is in my level, and I haven't seen her there in ages. But then again, I'm an on-off goer. Oops.
Its been a headache for me and my Electric Motor project. Somehow, all the copper wire I get is either
kenneth sylar
nus high sch of math and sci student
year 5
16 going on 17 221091 libraaaaaa
gonna be wanting!
lotsa pressies on my bdae
less homework less tests a pet(:
definitely not wanting this year or the next...
ppl like *ahem*ahem* more hw more tests black tube